
We ran a hard-hitting campaign opposing the government’s plans to fast-track fracking through the planning system, over the heads of local people. We argued that fracking was bad for the countryside, local communities and the environment – and in the end, common sense may have prevailed! Some 98% of the consultees objected to the governments plans. The government dropped its proposals and announced a moratorium on some fracking processes: great news for communities and the countryside, but fracking in its broad sense is still being proposed and we need to continue to campaign against it.
The secretary of state’s decision on the appeal to test for shale gas at Ellesmere Port is expected on or before 8 April and it will be an interesting guide to the government’s stance on fracking and action on climate change. Ince, Elton, Mickle Trafford, Upton and several other sites in Cheshire might be expected to follow if it is approved.