Nominate your local food heroes for our map
Our new map aims to highlight local food suppliers on the doorstep and farm gate schemes, as well as restaurants and cafes cooking with local produce – and we need your help to find them!
Not only can local foods taste better, they also cut down on carbon by reducing food miles, and buying from small local producers can have a beneficial effect on the local economy.
We really want to highlight Cheshire’s fantastic local produce via our local food map.
To nominate a local food hero, please send us a photo with a comment letting us know where the supplier is, and why you are nominating them.
You could also nominate local delivery services or farm shops that provide a great range, super local produce or environmentally friendly aspects – such as milk delivery rounds using glass bottles, or veg box schemes that help you to cut down on plastic packaging.
We will add them to our online local food map, and highlight them via our social media channels.
To nominate, please email the information to